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XOXO, Chlorophyll Water

Benefits of Vitamin C & Vitamin D by Dr. Anna Cabeca

Benefits of Vitamin C & Vitamin D by Dr. Anna Cabeca

Vitamin C stimulates collagen production and prevents skin inflammation. It is common for one's vitamin C levels to deteriorate with age, excessive sun exposure, and chemicals found in hair dyes and some soaps. Taking vitamin C daily can provide significant protection against these changes and enhance your skin complexion. 
Vitamin D is known to maintain one's overall growth and skeletal health and helps your body fight off a broad spectrum of diseases from the common cold and flu to even cancer.
Eating The Rainbow & Going Plant-Based with Dr. Yelena Deshko

Eating The Rainbow & Going Plant-Based with Dr. Yelena Deshko

Chlorophyll is the compound that makes plants green. It is responsible for helping plants absorb energy from sunlight during the process of photosynthesis. Consuming chlorophyll may have additional health benefits for humans such as improving liver detoxification, reducing inflammation and fighting anemia. 

The best way to obtain antioxidant is through “eating the rainbow”. In fruits and vegetables, colour equals antioxidants, which help quench disease-causing free radicals. Aim for six to eight servings daily, plus a cup of cruciferous green veggies (such as broccoli, brussel sprouts and rapini) at least three times a week.
3 Things to Change About Your Diet with Tori Jensen, Registered Dietitian & Registered Nurse

3 Things to Change About Your Diet with Tori Jensen, Registered Dietitian & Registered Nurse

Chlorophyll has been around as a supplement for many years, and it's what gives green veggies their color. It's used to purify the body from toxins, as a body deodorizer, for wound healing, and cancer-fighting — since it's packed with antioxidants. Eat a variety of green vegetables to get chlorophyll in its natural form, spinach, kale, alfalfa, broccoli, seaweed, wheatgrass, and give yourself a boost with Chlorophyll Water!

Multivitamins are like an insurance policy when it comes to filling in any gaps you might have in your diet.
Plant Based Living & Benefits of Chlorophyll by LeNaya Smith Crawford

Plant Based Living & Benefits of Chlorophyll by LeNaya Smith Crawford

Chlorophyll is a green molecule found in plants that absorb sunlight and convert it into energy. Also known as “nature’s life force.” Chlorophyll aids in the body’s natural detox process and helps balance the body’s pH levels. Studies show chlorophyll may even help reduce hunger and aid in weight loss. Add chlorophyll to a glass of filtered water with some  lemon and see how it changes your life!

Purified water is free from certain types of bacteria, fungi and algae from your tap or spring water that could otherwise cause serious illness or disease.  Additionally, purifying water removes certain chemicals that are added to general public tap water supplies as disinfectants, including chlorine, a common chemical that has been linked to increased rates of certain types of cancer. And if we are being honest,  it tastes better. 
Hydrating with Mariah Heller, Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach

Hydrating with Mariah Heller, Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach

Chlorophyll Water has a lot of potential benefits for the skin, hair, and digestive system as well as being a fantastic source of hydration. While nothing will be a miracle cure-all, if you add Chlorophyll Water in to your daily routine (which should also include healthy food and exercise), you'll notice a difference in how you look and feel.

Purified water removes many of the contaminants that may affect us negatively over time so that we can reap the benefits of drinking water without worrying about the other contaminants such as bacteria and chlorine in non-purified water.
Benefits of Liquid Chlorophyll & Chlorophyll Water by Lisa Richards, Nutritionist

Benefits of Liquid Chlorophyll & Chlorophyll Water by Lisa Richards, Nutritionist

Chlorophyll Water is touted as a powerful antioxidant able to improve immune health, significantly reduce risk of chronic disease, and enhance skin health.

Chlorophyll Water can increase energy by boosting the body's red blood cells and oxygen. It does by the same means chlorophyll works in plants to utilize the sun's energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen.

The antioxidant properties in Chlorophyll Water give it detoxifying properties that fight free radical damage. This damage can be seen both internally and externally. Externally damage from free radicals and toxins affects the skin leading to wrinkles, dry patches, and uneven skin tone. Plant compounds, like those found in chlorophyll water reduce and reverse this damage at the cellular level.