Enhanced mountain spring water

What is

Chlorophyll, the vibrant green pigment found in plants, is a key part of plant survival and its growth process. Through photosynthesis, this transformation of sunlight into energy is responsible for life on Earth.

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Plant Chlorophyll and
Human Hemoglobin

Chlorophyll closely resembles our red blood cells. Hemoglobin is the pigment that gives our blood its red color, as well as its oxygen-carrying capacity. The hemoglobin of the red blood cell and the Chlorophyll of the plant are virtually identical in molecular structure, with the only difference being the center atom. Beyond their structural similarities, Chlorophyll and hemoglobin may perform vital processes within our bodies, providing increased oxygenation, helping us maintain that youthful energy!

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Why Chlorophyll?

Have you ever wondered why most plants are green? That’s because they contain a compound called chlorophyll. This molecule is responsible for the plants’ ability to convert sunlight into energy by means of photosynthesis. And researchers are starting to see some benefits for humans who consume chlorophyll as well.

Enhanced mountain spring water

Chlorophyll is a vital plant pigment that can assist in:

  • Promoting Healthy Alkaline pH Levels
  • Oxygenating the Body
  • Boosting Energy Levels
  • Detoxifying the Body
  • Antioxidant Properties
  • Source of Enzymes
  • Strengthening the Immune System
  • Supporting Cellular Regeneration
  • Providing a source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin D
Enhanced mountain spring water

The Benefits of Chlorophyll

  • Skin Healing
  • Detoxification
  • Blood Builder
  • Weight-Loss

Source: Heathline.com
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6 Reasons Why You Should Start Taking Chlorophyll Daily

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Boosts Our Immune System and Eliminates Odors

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Buy Chlorophyll Water®

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Enhanced mountain spring water

“Researchers have also found that copper chlorophyll contains a higher amount of antioxidants than natural chlorophyll.

Liquid Chlorophyll Supplement

Enhanced mountain spring water

Liquid Chlorophyll Supplement

Liquid chlorophyll refers to a concentrated form of chlorophyll that has been extracted from plant sources and dissolved in a liquid carrier, such as water or oil. Liquid chlorophyll is usually available as a dietary supplement and is often consumed by diluting it in water or other beverages - which means that it is a water-soluble form that is created from copper instead of magnesium, like regular chlorophyll. This is important to know because this type of chlorophyll works better with the human body and its process of absorption.


Healthline states that chlorophyll is basically why plants are green. For humans, chlorophyll contains antioxidants, vitamins, and medicinal qualities that can contribute to better health. Chlorophyll can be consumed in either plant or supplement form, although supplements are probably more effective since the digestive system is too harsh on chlorophyll itself for it to be absorbed. In supplement form, the chlorophyll sold is actually chlorophyllin, which has copper rather than magnesium. (Bowman & Seladi-Schulman, PhD, 2020)

Enhanced mountain spring water

Benefits of Liquid Chlorophyll

Some evidence suggests that the benefits of liquid chlorophyll include:

  • Helps With Weight Loss
  • Power Antioxidant
  • Might Treat Some Skin Concerns

Source: Health.com

Collapsible content

Chlorophyll as Powerful Antioxidant

According to Dr. Kelly Bay, chlorophyll is a powerful antioxidant which also has a wide range of benefits. It reduces inflammation naturally, which can help improve arthritis and other chronic inflammatory problems. Dr. Bay explains that chlorophyll shrinks the production of an inflammatory response chemical in the body. Also, it has been found to kill microbes and can help against Candida albicans also. Chlorophyll can also help your muscles and your heart by boosting the production of CoQ10 in the body. Dr. Bay is a "big fan of Chlorophyll Water", especially as a substitute for leafy greens in the diet. (Bay, 2020)

Trista Best, a registered dietician, explains that chlorophyll's antioxidants, which come from plant compounds, work to remove and reduce toxins and free radical damage in the human body. This damage can include aging skin and other more serious conditions. She agrees with Dr. Bay about the antimicrobial properties of chlorophyll that help combat acne because suddenly your skin isn't a great place for bacteria to grow. Ms. Best also adds her voice to those who tout its natural anti-inflammatory abilities, which also help combat the appearance of aging, like wrinkles and loose skin. (Best, R.D., 2020)

A study published in the Journal of Food Science states that chlorophyll possesses strong antioxidant capacity along with a significant amount of essential vitamins. These effective radical scavengers help neutralize harmful molecules caused as a consequence of oxidative stress. (Ferruzzi, Bohm, Courtney, & Schwartz, 2006)

Certified Nutritionist Lisa Richards explains that the antioxidant benefits of chlorophyll also extend to Chlorophyll Water. This beverage is promoted as being able to enhance your immune health, your risk of chronic disease, and the health of your skin. Drinking Chlorophyll Water can result in an increase in energy. It does this by boosting the body's red blood cells and oxygen - the same way chlorophyll works in plants, by using the sun's energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. Richards agrees with others that the antioxidant properties in Chlorophyll Water give it the detoxifying ability to combat damage by free radicals. This damage can be external as well as internal. Externally, damage from free radicals and toxins affects the skin, which can lead to dry patches, wrinkles, and uneven skin tone. Plant compounds, such as those found in Chlorophyll Water, can actually reduce and even reverse this damage at the cellular level. (Richards, 2020)

Nutritionist Patricia Greenberg adds that the antioxidant power of chlorophyll can prevent free radicals, which is linked to the kind of DNA damage that can cause heart disease and cancer. (Greenberg, 2021)

Registered Dietician Michelle Pillepich explains that the antioxidant effect of chlorophyll has been shown to extend to derivatives of chlorophyll as well. A study from 2001 showed a reduction in the biomarkers for aflatoxin (a carcinogen). While more research is needed to confirm this short study, if you enjoy Chlorophyll Water, the potential for benefit certainly exists. (Pillepich, RD, 2019)

Because chlorophyll is known as a potent antioxidant, some researchers have found that consuming chlorophyll (or applying it topically) can help with acne and large pores. One small study published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology tested the efficacy of a topical chlorophyllin on subjects with acne and deemed it effective as a treatment. (Stephens, PhD, McCook, BS, & Herndon Jr., MD, 2015)

Another study in the Korean Journal of Investigative Dermatology tested the effects of dietary chlorophyll on women over the age of 45 and found that it “significantly improved wrinkles and skin elasticity." (Drink Containing Chlorophyll Extracts Improves Signs of Photoaging and Increases Type I Procollagen in Human Skin in Vivo, 2006)

Todd Buckingham, PhD, Lead Exercise Physiologist at the Mary Bed Sports Rehabilitation Performance Lab explains to us that in addition to the high antioxidant level of chlorophyll, this amazing substance also has high amounts of necessary vitamins. Chlorophyll is responsible for the antioxidant and phytonutrient traits of green plants. Since antioxidants combat free radicals, and since exercise adds to the level of free radicals in the system, athletes have a special need for antioxidants in their diet because they help the athlete's cells recover. (Buckingham, PhD, 2019)

Potential Blood Building Properties of Chlorophyll

An interesting fact about chlorophyll – its molecular structure is similar to that of hemoglobin, which is a critical part of human blood. The only exception is their central atom (iron for hemoglobin and magnesium for chlorophyll).

Red blood cells contain a molecule called hemoglobin, which has a very similar chemical structure to chlorophyll. Because of this nearly identical makeup, chlorophyll may be an effective treatment in patients with hemoglobin deficiencies such as anemia.

In the body, it stimulates production of hemoglobin and red blood cells, according to Dr. Andrea Maxim, who also vouches for chlorophyll's antioxidant and liver-aiding properties. (Maxim, CCNM, 2020)

Ciara Shea, FNTP states that because chlorophyll can potentially improve the count and quality of red blood cells, some call it a "blood builder." She also agrees with the statements that chlorophyll can help improve liver detoxification and digestion, as well as reduce inflammation. (Shea, FNTP, 2020)

One of the potential benefits of liquid chlorophyll is that it "aids in restoring and replenishing red blood cells. It works at molecular and cellular levels, increasing the work of hemoglobin and helping to replenish the number of red blood cells. The benefits? It helps to grow and maintain tissues.” (Nagdeve, 2020)

Dr. Robert DeMaria reminds us that chlorophyll "has the same structure as the heme of blood (except that where the heme carries an iron mineral in the center, the chlorophyll carries magnesium)," so therefore it is sometimes called the "blood" of the plant world. Dr. DeMaria agrees with Ciara Shea that chlorophyll may help to support blood quality, and he adds that it is a good source of magnesium. (DeMaria, 2021)

Liquid chlorophyll may also improve the quality of your blood, increasing the count—and overall health—of red blood cells. Why? Chlorophyll and hemoglobin (a molecule in red blood cells) have similar molecular structures. For this reason, research suggests that chlorophyll may help improve anemia symptoms.

Furthermore, VeryWellFit published an article naming one benefit of liquid chlorophyll as the ability to improve detoxification, or the liver's ability to eliminate waste and toxins.

VeryWellFit also reports that “liquid chlorophyll may be what’s called a ‘blood builder,'" meaning it can potentially increase the count of red blood cells and improve their quality, as well as that “liquid chlorophyll is believed to have many more health benefits than what has been studied so far.” (Bourassa, 2020)

According to Aimee Ricca, BA, people have been using chlorophyll as a supplement for years, and many studies suggest its power to help conditions such as body odors and acne, among others. Also, because chlorophyll is similar to hemoglobin, it may be useful in treating hemoglobin deficiencies present in anemia and similar conditions. (Ricca, BA, 2021)

Detoxifying Properties of Chlorophyll

Chlorophyll has been shown to enhance the liver’s natural ability to remove toxins and waste from the body. This process is known as detoxification.

Board certified health coach Karen Malkin agrees with LeNaya Smith Crawford that chlorophyll is known as "nature’s life force." Chlorophyll can help with the liver's natural detoxification process and also help achieve pH level balance. Some studies show that chlorophyll may even aid in reducing hunger and losing weight. Research also shows that it helps fight against liver damage. (Malkin, 2020)

Shin-Di Cynthia, RN, BSN says that chlorophyll benefits human health in multiple ways. "I like to think of chlorophyll as an internal cleaner, detoxifier, and restorer. The phytochemicals and phytonutrients are helpful to get rid of toxins in the blood stream as well as provide the contents to repair damaged tissue," she states. How does this happen? Certain vitamins and minerals oxygenate the blood and increase blood production, thus resulting in an increase in cell function within the body, which promotes well-being and the immune system. She suggests taking chlorophyll as an immune system support, which could also help get rid of oxidative stress from the emotional stress and anxiety that is prevalent at this time. (Cynthia, RN, BSN, 2020)

Dr. Inna Lukyanovsky, PharmD explains that chlorophyll can assist the body in absorbing vitamins K, A, C and vitamin E. Dr. Lukyanovsky also agrees with others that it aids in the detoxification process and specifically, that it supports phase 2 of liver detox. (Lukyanovsky, PharmD, 2020)

Erik Levi, Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner states, “I'm a big believer in supporting detoxification and keeping your body from toxins and metals, especially considering their abundance in our modern culture." Levi also cites the benefits of chlorophyll for blood flow and function. (Levi, FNTP, 2020)

Chlorophyll for Skincare

We mix the liquid Chlorophyll (as Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin) in Chlorophyll Water with Purified Water (carbon filtered, triple filtered, UV treated). Then we fortify it with additional Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D.

Lauren O'Conner, MS, RDN, RYT, registered dietitian of Nutri Savvy Health, likes drinking Chlorophyll Water infused vitamin water, saying it is refreshing and hydrating. She calls the water "subtly sweet" and adds that it uses copper chlorophyllin, which gives it a nice color. There are no added sugars or any artificial sweeteners, sugar alcohols, or colors, which helps the drink rank in her top choices.

Integrative & Functional Nutrition specialist Amanda Sylvie, MPH, RD, LD, CLT, also likes the detox-boosting, antioxidant abilities of greens in general and chlorophyll in particular. She states that research corroborates the idea that chlorophyll in its ingestible forms can add to overall health by enhancing such bodily functions. Chlorophyll Water is an easy way to add more chlorophyll to your diet.

Certified Nutritionist Lisa Richards says that there are two main benefits to drinking Chlorophyll Water. The first is that you are adding another source of plant compounds and antioxidants to your diet. This alone makes Chlorophyll Water a great addition to anyone's diet. The second is that you are probably replacing other drinks that are full of sugar, artificial sweeteners, calories and/or caffeine. By replacing these unhealthy drinks with Chlorophyll Water, you're eliminating something bad and adding something that will improve your health. (Richards, 2020)

Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach Mariah Heller explains, “Chlorophyll Water has a lot of potential benefits for the skin, hair, and digestive system as well as being a fantastic source of hydration. While nothing will be a miracle cure-all, if you add Chlorophyll Water into your daily routine (which should also include healthy food and exercise), you'll notice a difference in how you look and feel.” (Heller, 2020)

Overall Well-Being and Therapeutic Properties of Drinking Chlorophyll

Her Campus explores the benefits of drinking chlorophyll, explaining the “first benefit of chlorophyll water that sticks out to me the most is that chlorophyll water helps improve your skin. This water has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce the spread of bacteria growth in the skin. Having a glass of chlorophyll water can help with acne by reaching into the gut and removing the bacterium in it”.

Functional Nutritionist Deidre Bloomquist says that chlorophyll helps transport oxygen to cells, just like the hemoglobin in human red blood cells. This results in more energy and more capacity to function. Bloomquist also joins with others in acknowledging chlorophyll’s important role in the detoxification of waste and toxins in the body. (Bloomquist, 2020)

Dr. Lily Kiswani, MD emphasizes chlorophyll’s abilities to boost the immune system and aid in detox. She says these abilities are two of the reasons why green smoothies are a great idea. But if you can’t make a green smoothie, you can take liquid chlorophyll as a short cut to get the same benefits. (Kiswani, MD, 2021)

Bansari Acharya, MA, RD tells us, “Additionally, Chlorophyll Water may aid in weight loss, liver detoxification, and to improve the quality of the red blood cells in the blood. However, more research is needed for conclusive benefits.”

Exploring the Benefits of Drinking Chlorophyll Water

Potential Benefits of Drinking Chlorophyll Water

chlorophyll-image Antioxidant

Online articles cite the potent antioxidant properties of Chlorophyll Water, which are scientifically recognized. Antioxidants combat free radicals, safeguarding the skin against premature aging and promoting a youthful glow.

chlorophyll-image Detoxification

Numerous research studies have highlighted chlorophyll’s detoxifying prowess, supporting online claims. By binding to toxins and aiding in their elimination, drinking Chlorophyll Water could enhance overall skin health.

chlorophyll-image Inflammation

Research-backed evidence points to chlorophyll’s anti-inflammatory effects, aligning with online discussions. This quality may soothe skin irritations and redness, contributing to a calm complexion.

chlorophyll-image Acne

Online articles discussing Chlorophyll Water’s potential to combat acne are substantiated by research. Chlorophyll’s anti-inflammatory and oil-regulating properties could offer relief to those battling breakouts.

chlorophyll-image Wound Healing

Scientific studies echo online content, underscoring chlorophyll’s wound healing potential. By expediting recovery, Chlorophyll Water aids in maintaining healthier and clearer skin.

Online Articles and Research Amplifying Chlorophyll Water’s Impact:

  • Scientific Validation: Research published in reputable journals like the “Journal of Food Science” supports chlorophyll’s antioxidant properties, enhancing its credibility as a skincare ally.
  • Clinical Observations: The “Journal of Drugs in Dermatology” has documented clinical observations indicating chlorophyll’s anti-inflammatory and healing benefits, aligning with online narratives.
  • Promising Results: A study published in the “Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology” explored chlorophyll’s potential in treating acne, substantiating claims made in online articles.
  • Holistic Wellness: Online discussions about chlorophyll water’s role in overall health echo findings published in the “International Journal of Molecular Sciences” which highlight its potential in promoting wellness beyond skincare.

Online Articles and Research AmplifyingChlorophyll Water’s Impact:

Scientific Validation: Research published in reputable journals like the “Journal of Food Science” supports chlorophyll’s antioxidant properties, enhancing its credibility as a skincare ally.

Clinical Observations: The “Journal of Drugs in Dermatology” has documented clinical observations indicating chlorophyll’s anti-inflammatory and healing benefits, aligning with online narratives.

Promising Results: A study published in the “Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology” explored chlorophyll’s potential in treating acne, substantiating claims made in online articles.

Holistic Wellness: Online discussions about chlorophyll water’s role in overall health echo findings published in the “International Journal of Molecular Sciences” which highlight its potential in promoting wellness beyond skincare.

Enhanced mountain spring water

The Potential Health Benefits of Chlorophyll Water + Chlorophyll Supplements

As previously stated, the research into the potential health advantages of taking chlorophyll supplements or consuming Chlorophyll Water is not as extensive as desired. However, certain experts have effectively incorporated it into their patient care, and there exist some encouraging studies that merit attention.

  • It may help bind and eliminate heavy metals from the body.
  • It might protect against some diseases.
  • It has antioxidant properties.
  • It may act as a natural deodorant.

Source: MindBodyGreen.com
Enhanced mountain spring water

In an article on Glamour.com, entitled “The Benefits of Chlorophyll Water, Explained,” Dr. Joshua Zeichner, the Director of Cosmetic & Clinical Research in Dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, has illuminated the potential benefits of liquid chlorophyll. There is emerging data indicating that it might stimulate the production of red blood cells, subsequently aiding in the delivery of oxygen to tissues. This phenomenon likely contributes to the observed radiant skin glow experienced by some individuals post-consumption.


Furthermore, the application of liquid chlorophyll topically has exhibited a capacity to accelerate wound healing. This suggests the possibility of significant anti-aging effects, as many skincare products targeting wrinkles trace their origins to wound-healing properties. Dr. Zeichner expounded on this concept, noting that by facilitating the recovery of damaged cells and encouraging them to function like healthy cells, ingredients fostering healing could potentially ameliorate fine lines and wrinkles.

Dr. Zeichner also highlighted the robust antioxidant effects of chlorophyll. These effects involve the neutralization of free radicals, culprits responsible for disrupting collagen synthesis and DNA integrity. By mitigating these processes, chlorophyll holds the potential to combat wrinkling and even mitigate the risk of skin cancer.

Enhanced mountain spring water

Our Chlorophyll Water

We mix the liquid Chlorophyll (as Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin) in Chlorophyll Water with Purified Water (carbon filtered, triple filtered, UV treated). Then we fortify it with additional Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D.


Lauren O’Conner, MS, RDN, RYT, registered dietitian of Nutri Savvy Health, likes drinking Chlorophyll Water infused vitamin water, saying it is refreshing and hydrating. She calls the water “subtly sweet” and adds that it uses copper chlorophyllin, which gives it a nice color. There are no added sugars or any artificial sweeteners, sugar alcohols, or colors, which helps the drink rank in her top choices.

Integrative & Functional Nutrition specialist Amanda Sylvie, MPH, RD, LD, CLT, also likes the detox-boosting, antioxidant abilities of greens in general and chlorophyll in particular. She states that research corroborates the idea that chlorophyll in its ingestible forms can add to overall health by enhancing such bodily functions. Chlorophyll Water is an easy way to add more chlorophyll to your diet.

Certified Nutritionist Lisa Richards says that there are two main benefits to drinking Chlorophyll Water. The first is that you are adding another source of plant compounds and antioxidants to your diet. This alone makes Chlorophyll Water a great addition to anyone’s diet. The second is that you are probably replacing other drinks that are full of sugar, artificial sweeteners, calories and/or caffeine. By replacing these unhealthy drinks with Chlorophyll Water, you’re eliminating something bad and adding something that will improve your health. (Richards, 2020)

Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach Mariah Heller explains, “Chlorophyll Water has a lot of potential benefits for the skin, hair, and digestive system as well as being a fantastic source of hydration. While nothing will be a miracle cure-all, if you add Chlorophyll Water into your daily routine (which should also include healthy food and exercise), you’ll notice a difference in how you look and feel.” (Heller, 2020)

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First Ever Bottled Water in the USA to Pass Clean Label Project Certification

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Treat your body & mind like the temple they are, enjoy the benefits of chlorophyll. Think Clean, Hydrate Green® with the FIRST-EVER Bottled Water in the USA to pass Clean Label Project Certification.

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Treat your body & mind like the temple they are,
enjoy the benefits of chlorophyll.

Think Clean, Hydrate Green® with the FIRST-EVER Bottled Water in the USA to pass Clean Label Project Certification.

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Collapsible content


Bay, K. (2020, December 21). Tips For Building Your Immune System & Staying Healthy This Winter - Chlorophyll Water. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water:

Berry, J. (2018, July 4). Proven benefits of chlorophyll and how to consume more. Retrieved from Medical News Today: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322361

Best, R.D., T. (2020, October 30). Benefits of Chlorophyll Water by Trista Best, R.D. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/benefits-of-chlorophyll-water-by-tricia-best-r-d

Bloomquist, D. (2020, May 5). Plant-Based Nutrition Tips by Deidre Bloomquist. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/plant-based-nutrition-tips-by-deidre-bloomquist-functional-nutritionist

Bourassa, L. (2020, August 3). Liquid Chlorophyll: Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage, and Interactions. Retrieved from VeryWellFit: https://www.verywellfit.com/health-benefits-liquid-chlorophyll-4686266

Bowman, J., & Seladi-Schulman, PhD, J. (2020, November 9). Liquid Chlorophyll Benefits and Risks. Retrieved from Healthline: https://www.healthline.com/health/liquid-chlorophyll-benefits-risks

Brown, BCPS, BCPP, M. J. (2020, January 21). Michael J. Brown, BCPS, BCPP, Pharmacist - Chlorophyll Water. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water:

Buckingham, PhD, T. (2019, December 30). Chlorophyll Water as your New Year’s “Detox” Resolution. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water:

Chlorophyll Water | Benefits for Performance | Spartan Race. (n.d.). Retrieved from Spartan: https://www.spartan.com/blogs/unbreakable-nutrition/chlorophyll-water

Chlorophyll: Benefits, Safety Information, Dosage, and More. (2020, November 7). Retrieved from WebMD: https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-chlorophyll#1

Cynthia, RN, BSN, S.-D. L. (2020, April 17). Plant Based Nutrition Tips to Boost Your Immune System. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water:

DeMaria, D. R. (2021, March 6). Healthy Eating & Plant Based Diet by Dr. Robert DeMaria - Chlorophyll Water. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water:

Deshko, D. Y. (2020, September 24). Eating The Rainbow & Going Plant-Based with Dr. Yelena Deshko. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water:

Drink Containing Chlorophyll Extracts Improves Signs of Photoaging and Increases Type I Procollagen in Human Skin in Vivo. (2006, April 13). Retrieved from KMbase: https://kmbase.medric.or.kr/Main.aspx?menu=01&d=KMBASE&m=VIEW&i=0604220060130040111

Epstein, M. (2021, February 22). Optimize Your Immune System’s Ability & Detox Tips by Maren Epstein - Chlorophyll Water. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/optimize-your-immune-system-s-ability-detox-tips-by-maren-epstein-digestive-health-coach

Ferruzzi, M. G., Bohm, V., Courtney, P. D., & Schwartz, S. J. (2006, July 20). Antioxidant and Antimutagenic Activity of Dietary Chlorophyll Derivatives Determined by Radical Scavenging and Bacterial Reverse Mutagenic Assays - Ferruzzi - 2002 - Journal of Food Science - Wiley Online Library. Retrieved from Wiley Online Library: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1365-2621.2002.tb08782.x

Greenberg, P. (2021, March 21). Plant-Based Diets & Antioxidant Power of Chlorophyll - Chlorophyll Water. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water:

Gregg, R.D., A. (2021, April 14). Benefits of Liquid Chlorophyll Water with Allie Gregg, R.D. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/benefits-of-liquid-chlorophyll-water-with-allie-gregg-r-d

Heller, M. (2020, September 3). Hydrating with Mariah Heller, Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/hydrating-with-mariah-heller-personal-trainer-nutrition-coach

Jensen, T. (2020, September 15). 3 Things to Change About Your Diet with Tori Jensen, Registered Dietitian & Registered Nurse. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/3-things-to-change-about-your-diet-with-tori-jensen-registered-dietitian-registered-nurse

Kiswani, MD, D. (2021, February 11). Grocery Shopping Tips to Help Build Up Your Immune System. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water:

Levi, FNTP, E. (2020, February 24). Erik Levi, FNTP. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/erik-levi-fntp

Lukyanovsky, PharmD, D. (2020, March 2). Dr. Inna Lukyanovsky, PharmD, FASCP. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/dr-inna-lukyanovsky-pharmd-fascp

Malkin, K. (2020, May 28). Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet by Karen Malkin. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/benefits-of-a-plant-based-diet-by-karen-malkin

Maxim, CCNM, D. (2020, April 23). Benefits of Liquid Chlorophyll & Living a Plant Based Diet w/ Dr. Andrea Maxim. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water:

Nagdeve, M. (2020, January 28). Medically Proven Liquid Chlorophyll Benefits | Organic Facts. Retrieved from Organic Facts: https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/other/health-benefits-of-chlorophyll.html

Nagini, S., Palitti, F., & Natarajan, A. T. (2015, February 4). Chemopreventive Potential of Chlorophyllin: A Review of the Mechanisms of Action and Molecular Targets: Nutrition and Cancer, Vol 67, No 2. Retrieved from Taylor & Francis Online: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01635581.2015.990573

Pillepich, RD, M. (2019, December 18). Michelle Pillepich, RD. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/michelle-pillepich

Ricca, BA, A. (2021, February 2). Three Things to Change about Your Diet by Aimee Ricca, BA, E-CPT, CN, Pn1. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water:

Richards, L. (2020, August 25). Benefits of Liquid Chlorophyll & Chlorophyll Water by Lisa Richards. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water:


The Site contains information about Chlorophyll (“Chlorophyll Information”), which is one of the ingredients in our Chlorophyll Water. Chlorophyll Information is collected by us from third party sources over which we have no control. We are not medical professionals or experts and do not and cannot attest to the accuracy of any of the information provided on this Site. None of the Chlorophyll Information on our Site has been evaluated or approved by the FDA. Chlorophyll Information is not intended to be used for nutritional or medical diagnoses or treatment. The information provided on this website is intended for general interest only. The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your health-care professional because of something you may have read on this Site. The use of any information provided on this Site is solely at your own risk. The third parties who are quoted on our Site are not affiliated with our company. We have included quotes and other statements by these third parties based on our own interests. We have not consulted with such third parties, or requested their input or feedback. They have not endorsed our Chlorophyll Water, and we do not endorse them or their statements. We are not responsible for, and we do not warrant or represent that the third party statements are current, accurate, complete or reliable. The opinions expressed in these materials are strictly those of the speaker or author and do not necessarily reflect our views or opinions.


The Site contains information about Chlorophyll (“Chlorophyll Information”), which is one of the ingredients in our Chlorophyll Water. Chlorophyll Information is collected by us from third party sources over which we have no control. We are not medical professionals or experts and do not and cannot attest to the accuracy of any of the information provided on this Site. None of the Chlorophyll Information on our Site has been evaluated or approved by the FDA. Chlorophyll Information is not intended to be used for nutritional or medical diagnoses or treatment. The information provided on this website is intended for general interest only. The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your health-care professional because of something you may have read on this Site. The use of any information provided on this Site is solely at your own risk. The third parties who are quoted on our Site are not affiliated with our company. We have included quotes and other statements by these third parties based on our own interests. We have not consulted with such third parties, or requested their input or feedback. They have not endorsed our Chlorophyll Water, and we do not endorse them or their statements. We are not responsible for, and we do not warrant or represent that the third party statements are current, accurate, complete or reliable. The opinions expressed in these materials are strictly those of the speaker or author and do not necessarily reflect our views or opinions.