What Is Chlorophyll?
Chlorophyll, the vibrant green pigment found in plants, is a key part of plant survival and its growth process. Through photosynthesis, this transformation of sunlight into energy is responsible for life on Earth.
Chlorophyll, the vibrant green pigment found in plants, is a key part of plant survival and its growth process. Through photosynthesis, this transformation of sunlight into energy is responsible for life on Earth.
Chlorophyll closely resembles our red blood cells. Hemoglobin is the pigment that gives our blood its red color, as well as its oxygen-carrying capacity. The hemoglobin of the red blood cell and the Chlorophyll of the plant are virtually identical in molecular structure, with the only difference being the center atom. Beyond their structural similarities, Chlorophyll and hemoglobin may perform vital processes within our bodies, providing increased oxygenation, helping us maintain that youthful energy!
Chlorophyll, also known as ‘Nature’s Green Magic,’ has oxygenating properties. A highly oxygenated environment improves energy levels, as well an optimal level for brain and body function.
Chlorophyll, a source of enzymes can help increase our blood-oxygen levels, boosting our energy and increasing our well-being almost instantly, and naturally.
Chlorophyll has purifying qualities that aid in the detoxification of the body. An abundance of oxygen and healthy flow of blood encourages the removal of harmful impurities and toxins, strengthening our immune system while alkalizing the body and balancing our pH levels.
Chlorophyll protects plants against ultraviolet damage from the sun, making it a great source of antioxidants, essential vitamins, and powerful nutrients.
Do you remember what you learned about chlorophyll in school? It's the pigment that gives plants and algae their beautiful green color. What you may not know is that chlorophyll benefits your health and well-being. This compound can be obtained from food or supplements, and it exhibits therapeutic properties.
Chlorophyll can also help neutralize the stress high-intensity training puts on your system, says Miriam Jacobson, RD, CNS, a functional medicine dietitian. “Its antioxidant properties help to neutralize oxidative stress and free radicals, so it can aid recovery.
Have you ever wondered why most plants are green? That's because they contain a compound called chlorophyll. This molecule is responsible for the plants' ability to convert sunlight into energy by means of photosynthesis. And researchers are starting to see some benefits for humans who consume chlorophyll as well.
Medical News Today reports that “some people take [chlorophyll] as a health supplement. The potential benefits of chlorophyll include improving health, boosting energy, and fighting illnesses.” (Berry, 2018) While we're only just beginning to investigate the benefits of chlorophyll in humans, WebMD says, “research has already found that this compound does indeed provide certain health benefits.” (Chlorophyll: Benefits, Safety Information, Dosage, and More, 2020)
What kinds of benefits? According to Dr. Yelena Deshko, using chlorophyll may help in other ways such as with liver detoxification and with conditions such as inflammation and anemia. (Deshko, 2020)
Holistic wellness expert LeNaya Smith Crawford says that chlorophyll is also known as “nature’s life force.” She agrees with Dr. Deshko that chlorophyll can help the body’s natural liver function, as well as helping bring the body’s pH levels into balance. Smith Crawford also points out that according to some studies, chlorophyll may even help dieters with hunger and weight loss issues. (Smith Crawford, 2020)
Dr. Eugene Charles, author of Journey to Healing: The Art and Science of Applied Kinesiology, tells us, “Chlorophyll is responsible—in a way— for all life on earth. It is the ‘blood' of plants and has blood-building properties for our red blood cells. One of the best things you can do is drink Chlorophyll Water. It is a powerful detoxifying, healing and energizing tonic.”
Allie Gregg, a registered dietitian, gives us a number of reasons why she likes Chlorophyll Water. In addition to the detox, weight loss and inflammation-fighting benefits, Chlorophyll Water keeps your hormones in stasis, helps you lose weight, combats body odors, inhibits hunger, makes you feel more energetic, multiplies and replenishes red blood cells, and helps you look younger with radiant skin.(Gregg, R.D., 2021)
Meanwhile, Dr. Vikram Tarugu touts the oxygenating powers of chlorophyll, which he says is "also regarded as the ‘Green Miracle of Nature.'" He explains that an atmosphere with enough oxygen aids the stress balance and makes body and brain more efficient. "Chlorophyll Water has the ability to restore the chemical and cellular layers in our bodies," says Dr. Tarugu. Chlorophyll Water helps to wash away disease-causing pollutants, encourages relaxation, and protects the heart with its strong antioxidant properties. (Tarugu, 2020)
Registered Nurse and Dietician Tori Jensen points out that people have been supplementing their diets with chlorophyll for a long time and reminds us that green veggies get their color from it. Chlorophyll is used to detoxify and deodorize the body, as well as to heal wounds, which it's good at doing from all the antioxidants it contains. She advises, "Eat a variety of green vegetables to get chlorophyll in its natural form, spinach, kale, alfalfa, broccoli, seaweed, wheatgrass, and give yourself a boost with Chlorophyll Water!" (Jensen, 2020)
Nutritionist and dietitian Keith Kantor, Ph.D. explains that Chlorophyll Water quells hunger, helps you lose weight, gets rid of body odor, heals superficial wounds, enhances vitality, removes toxins from blood, and strengthens the immune system. (Chlorophyll Water | Benefits for Performance | Spartan Race, n.d.)
Healthline states that chlorophyll is basically why plants are green. For humans, chlorophyll contains antioxidants, vitamins, and medicinal qualities that can contribute to better health. Chlorophyll can be consumed in either plant or supplement form, although supplements are probably more effective since the digestive system is too harsh on chlorophyll itself for it to be absorbed. In supplement form, the chlorophyll sold is actually chlorophyllin, which has copper rather than magnesium. (Bowman & Seladi-Schulman, PhD, 2020)
Keith Kantor, Ph.D. agrees with the Healthline conclusion that chlorophyll supplements work better in the human body. Chlorophyllin, he explains, is a semi-synthetic combination of sodium copper salts obtained from chlorophyll. Regular chlorophyll dissolves in fat, but chlorophyllin dissolves in water so your system can use it more easily.
An article on Life Extension Magazine entitled, "Chlorophyllin Protects Against Environmental Toxins” discusses the benefits of chlorophyllin: “Chlorophyllin is a water-soluble form of chlorophyll that has been shown to neutralize toxic compounds and protect cellular DNA against mutations…” (Rosick, DO, MPH, DABIM, 2015)
According to a paper published in Nutrition and Cancer, “Chlorophyllin (CHL), a water soluble semisynthetic derivative of the ubiquitous plant pigment chlorophyll used as a food additive, is recognized to confer a wide range of health benefits." (Nagini, Palitti, & Natarajan, 2015)
Maren Epstein, a digestive health coach, talks about the infinite good that can come from consuming liquid chlorophyll, one of the few supplements she actually recommends. She calls liquid chlorophyll a "blood builder" and adds that it helps with muscle toning and strength increase. (Epstein, 2021)
Michael Brown, BCPS, BCPP, Pharmacist explains to us that in addition to the deodorizing abilities of liquid chlorophyll, it may also work to fight some infections and improve the gut microbiome, and also asserts his support for the detoxifying ability of chlorophyll water. (Brown, BCPS, BCPP, 2020)
Boosts Energy
Improves Mood (Helps Nervous System) and Symptoms of Depression
Improves Heart Health
Helps with Red Blood Cell Formation and Anemia Prevention
May Support Bone Health and Prevent Osteoporosis
Supports Healthy, Hair, Skin and Nails
According to Dr. Kelly Bay, chlorophyll is a powerful antioxidant which also has a wide range of benefits. It reduces inflammation naturally, which can help improve arthritis and other chronic inflammatory problems. Dr. Bay explains that chlorophyll shrinks the production of an inflammatory response chemical in the body. Also, it has been found to kill microbes and can help against Candida albicans also. Chlorophyll can also help your muscles and your heart by boosting the production of CoQ10 in the body. Dr. Bay is a "big fan of Chlorophyll Water", especially as a substitute for leafy greens in the diet. (Bay, 2020)
Trista Best, a registered dietician, explains that chlorophyll's antioxidants, which come from plant compounds, work to remove and reduce toxins and free radical damage in the human body. This damage can include aging skin and other more serious conditions. She agrees with Dr. Bay about the antimicrobial properties of chlorophyll that help combat acne because suddenly your skin isn't a great place for bacteria to grow. Ms. Best also adds her voice to those who tout its natural anti-inflammatory abilities, which also help combat the appearance of aging, like wrinkles and loose skin. (Best, R.D., 2020)
A study published in the Journal of Food Science states that chlorophyll possesses strong antioxidant capacity along with a significant amount of essential vitamins. These effective radical scavengers help neutralize harmful molecules caused as a consequence of oxidative stress. (Ferruzzi, Bohm, Courtney, & Schwartz, 2006)
Certified Nutritionist Lisa Richards explains that the antioxidant benefits of chlorophyll also extend to Chlorophyll Water. This beverage is promoted as being able to enhance your immune health, your risk of chronic disease, and the health of your skin. Drinking Chlorophyll Water can result in an increase in energy. It does this by boosting the body's red blood cells and oxygen - the same way chlorophyll works in plants, by using the sun's energy to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. Richards agrees with others that the antioxidant properties in Chlorophyll Water give it the detoxifying ability to combat damage by free radicals. This damage can be external as well as internal. Externally, damage from free radicals and toxins affects the skin, which can lead to dry patches, wrinkles, and uneven skin tone. Plant compounds, such as those found in Chlorophyll Water, can actually reduce and even reverse this damage at the cellular level. (Richards, 2020)
Nutritionist Patricia Greenberg adds that the antioxidant power of chlorophyll can prevent free radicals, which is linked to the kind of DNA damage that can cause heart disease and cancer. (Greenberg, 2021)
Registered Dietician Michelle Pillepich explains that the antioxidant effect of chlorophyll has been shown to extend to derivatives of chlorophyll as well. A study from 2001 showed a reduction in the biomarkers for aflatoxin (a carcinogen). While more research is needed to confirm this short study, if you enjoy Chlorophyll Water, the potential for benefit certainly exists. (Pillepich, RD, 2019)
Because chlorophyll is known as a potent antioxidant, some researchers have found that consuming chlorophyll (or applying it topically) can help with acne and large pores. One small study published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology tested the efficacy of a topical chlorophyllin on subjects with acne and deemed it effective as a treatment. (Stephens, PhD, McCook, BS, & Herndon Jr., MD, 2015)
Another study in the Korean Journal of Investigative Dermatology tested the effects of dietary chlorophyll on women over the age of 45 and found that it “significantly improved wrinkles and skin elasticity." (Drink Containing Chlorophyll Extracts Improves Signs of Photoaging and Increases Type I Procollagen in Human Skin in Vivo, 2006)
Todd Buckingham, PhD, Lead Exercise Physiologist at the Mary Bed Sports Rehabilitation Performance Lab explains to us that in addition to the high antioxidant level of chlorophyll, this amazing substance also has high amounts of necessary vitamins. Chlorophyll is responsible for the antioxidant and phytonutrient traits of green plants. Since antioxidants combat free radicals, and since exercise adds to the level of free radicals in the system, athletes have a special need for antioxidants in their diet because they help the athlete's cells recover. (Buckingham, PhD, 2019)
An interesting fact about chlorophyll – its molecular structure is similar to that of hemoglobin, which is a critical part of human blood. The only exception is their central atom (iron for hemoglobin and magnesium for chlorophyll).
Red blood cells contain a molecule called hemoglobin, which has a very similar chemical structure to chlorophyll. Because of this nearly identical makeup, chlorophyll may be an effective treatment in patients with hemoglobin deficiencies such as anemia.
In the body, it stimulates production of hemoglobin and red blood cells, according to Dr. Andrea Maxim, who also vouches for chlorophyll's antioxidant and liver-aiding properties. (Maxim, CCNM, 2020)
Ciara Shea, FNTP states that because chlorophyll can potentially improve the count and quality of red blood cells, some call it a "blood builder." She also agrees with the statements that chlorophyll can help improve liver detoxification and digestion, as well as reduce inflammation. (Shea, FNTP, 2020)
One of the potential benefits of liquid chlorophyll is that it "aids in restoring and replenishing red blood cells. It works at molecular and cellular levels, increasing the work of hemoglobin and helping to replenish the number of red blood cells. The benefits? It helps to grow and maintain tissues.” (Nagdeve, 2020)
Dr. Robert DeMaria reminds us that chlorophyll "has the same structure as the heme of blood (except that where the heme carries an iron mineral in the center, the chlorophyll carries magnesium)," so therefore it is sometimes called the "blood" of the plant world. Dr. DeMaria agrees with Ciara Shea that chlorophyll may help to support blood quality, and he adds that it is a good source of magnesium. (DeMaria, 2021)
Liquid chlorophyll may also improve the quality of your blood, increasing the count—and overall health—of red blood cells. Why? Chlorophyll and hemoglobin (a molecule in red blood cells) have similar molecular structures. For this reason, research suggests that chlorophyll may help improve anemia symptoms.
Furthermore, VeryWellFit published an article naming one benefit of liquid chlorophyll as the ability to improve detoxification, or the liver's ability to eliminate waste and toxins.
VeryWellFit also reports that “liquid chlorophyll may be what’s called a ‘blood builder,'" meaning it can potentially increase the count of red blood cells and improve their quality, as well as that “liquid chlorophyll is believed to have many more health benefits than what has been studied so far.” (Bourassa, 2020)
According to Aimee Ricca, BA, people have been using chlorophyll as a supplement for years, and many studies suggest its power to help conditions such as body odors and acne, among others. Also, because chlorophyll is similar to hemoglobin, it may be useful in treating hemoglobin deficiencies present in anemia and similar conditions. (Ricca, BA, 2021)
Chlorophyll has been shown to enhance the liver’s natural ability to remove toxins and waste from the body. This process is known as detoxification.
Board certified health coach Karen Malkin agrees with LeNaya Smith Crawford that chlorophyll is known as "nature’s life force." Chlorophyll can help with the liver's natural detoxification process and also help achieve pH level balance. Some studies show that chlorophyll may even aid in reducing hunger and losing weight. Research also shows that it helps fight against liver damage. (Malkin, 2020)
Shin-Di Cynthia, RN, BSN says that chlorophyll benefits human health in multiple ways. "I like to think of chlorophyll as an internal cleaner, detoxifier, and restorer. The phytochemicals and phytonutrients are helpful to get rid of toxins in the blood stream as well as provide the contents to repair damaged tissue," she states. How does this happen? Certain vitamins and minerals oxygenate the blood and increase blood production, thus resulting in an increase in cell function within the body, which promotes well-being and the immune system. She suggests taking chlorophyll as an immune system support, which could also help get rid of oxidative stress from the emotional stress and anxiety that is prevalent at this time. (Cynthia, RN, BSN, 2020)
Dr. Inna Lukyanovsky, PharmD explains that chlorophyll can assist the body in absorbing vitamins K, A, C and vitamin E. Dr. Lukyanovsky also agrees with others that it aids in the detoxification process and specifically, that it supports phase 2 of liver detox. (Lukyanovsky, PharmD, 2020)
Erik Levi, Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner states, “I'm a big believer in supporting detoxification and keeping your body from toxins and metals, especially considering their abundance in our modern culture." Levi also cites the benefits of chlorophyll for blood flow and function. (Levi, FNTP, 2020)
Functional Nutritionist Deidre Bloomquist says that chlorophyll helps transport oxygen to cells, just like the hemoglobin in human red blood cells. This results in more energy and more capacity to function. Bloomquist also joins with others in acknowledging chlorophyll's important role in the detoxification of waste and toxins in the body. (Bloomquist, 2020)
Dr. Lily Kiswani, MD emphasizes chlorophyll's abilities to boost the immune system and aid in detox. She says these abilities are two of the reasons why green smoothies are a great idea. But if you can't make a green smoothie, you can take liquid chlorophyll as a short cut to get the same benefits. (Kiswani, MD, 2021)
Bansari Acharya, MA, RD tells us, "Additionally, Chlorophyll Water may aid in weight loss, liver detoxification, and to improve the quality of the red blood cells in the blood. However, more research is needed for conclusive benefits."
We mix the liquid Chlorophyll (as Sodium Copper Chlorophyllin) in Chlorophyll Water with Purified Water (carbon filtered, triple filtered, UV treated). Then we fortify it with additional Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, and Vitamin D.
Lauren O'Conner, MS, RDN, RYT, registered dietitian of Nutri Savvy Health, likes drinking Chlorophyll Water infused vitamin water, saying it is refreshing and hydrating. She calls the water "subtly sweet" and adds that it uses copper chlorophyllin, which gives it a nice color. There are no added sugars or any artificial sweeteners, sugar alcohols, or colors, which helps the drink rank in her top choices.
Integrative & Functional Nutrition specialist Amanda Sylvie, MPH, RD, LD, CLT, also likes the detox-boosting, antioxidant abilities of greens in general and chlorophyll in particular. She states that research corroborates the idea that chlorophyll in its ingestible forms can add to overall health by enhancing such bodily functions. Chlorophyll Water is an easy way to add more chlorophyll to your diet.
Certified Nutritionist Lisa Richards says that there are two main benefits to drinking Chlorophyll Water. The first is that you are adding another source of plant compounds and antioxidants to your diet. This alone makes Chlorophyll Water a great addition to anyone's diet. The second is that you are probably replacing other drinks that are full of sugar, artificial sweeteners, calories and/or caffeine. By replacing these unhealthy drinks with Chlorophyll Water, you're eliminating something bad and adding something that will improve your health. (Richards, 2020)
Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach Mariah Heller explains, “Chlorophyll Water has a lot of potential benefits for the skin, hair, and digestive system as well as being a fantastic source of hydration. While nothing will be a miracle cure-all, if you add Chlorophyll Water into your daily routine (which should also include healthy food and exercise), you'll notice a difference in how you look and feel.” (Heller, 2020)
Bay, K. (2020, December 21). Tips For Building Your Immune System & Staying Healthy This Winter - Chlorophyll Water. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/building-your-immune-system-staying-healthy-this-winter-with-dr-kelly-bay
Berry, J. (2018, July 4). Proven benefits of chlorophyll and how to consume more. Retrieved from Medical News Today: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/322361
Best, R.D., T. (2020, October 30). Benefits of Chlorophyll Water by Trista Best, R.D. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/benefits-of-chlorophyll-water-by-tricia-best-r-d
Bloomquist, D. (2020, May 5). Plant-Based Nutrition Tips by Deidre Bloomquist. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/plant-based-nutrition-tips-by-deidre-bloomquist-functional-nutritionist
Bourassa, L. (2020, August 3). Liquid Chlorophyll: Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage, and Interactions. Retrieved from VeryWellFit: https://www.verywellfit.com/health-benefits-liquid-chlorophyll-4686266
Bowman, J., & Seladi-Schulman, PhD, J. (2020, November 9). Liquid Chlorophyll Benefits and Risks. Retrieved from Healthline: https://www.healthline.com/health/liquid-chlorophyll-benefits-risks
Brown, BCPS, BCPP, M. J. (2020, January 21). Michael J. Brown, BCPS, BCPP, Pharmacist - Chlorophyll Water. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/michael-j-brown-bcps-bcpp-pharmacist
Buckingham, PhD, T. (2019, December 30). Chlorophyll Water as your New Year's "Detox" Resolution. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/chlorophyll-water-as-your-new-years-resolution-detox
Chlorophyll Water | Benefits for Performance | Spartan Race. (n.d.). Retrieved from Spartan: https://www.spartan.com/blogs/unbreakable-nutrition/chlorophyll-water
Chlorophyll: Benefits, Safety Information, Dosage, and More. (2020, November 7). Retrieved from WebMD: https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-chlorophyll#1
Cynthia, RN, BSN, S.-D. L. (2020, April 17). Plant Based Nutrition Tips to Boost Your Immune System. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/plant-based-nutrition-tips-by-shin-di-cynthia-lai-l-ac-dipl-o-m-rn-bsn
DeMaria, D. R. (2021, March 6). Healthy Eating & Plant Based Diet by Dr. Robert DeMaria - Chlorophyll Water. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/healthy-eating-plant-based-diet-by-dr-robert-demaria
Deshko, D. Y. (2020, September 24). Eating The Rainbow & Going Plant-Based with Dr. Yelena Deshko. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/going-plant-based-with-dr-yelena-deshko
Drink Containing Chlorophyll Extracts Improves Signs of Photoaging and Increases Type I Procollagen in Human Skin in Vivo. (2006, April 13). Retrieved from KMbase: https://kmbase.medric.or.kr/Main.aspx?menu=01&d=KMBASE&m=VIEW&i=0604220060130040111
Epstein, M. (2021, February 22). Optimize Your Immune System's Ability & Detox Tips by Maren Epstein - Chlorophyll Water. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/optimize-your-immune-system-s-ability-detox-tips-by-maren-epstein-digestive-health-coach
Ferruzzi, M. G., Bohm, V., Courtney, P. D., & Schwartz, S. J. (2006, July 20). Antioxidant and Antimutagenic Activity of Dietary Chlorophyll Derivatives Determined by Radical Scavenging and Bacterial Reverse Mutagenic Assays - Ferruzzi - 2002 - Journal of Food Science - Wiley Online Library. Retrieved from Wiley Online Library: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1365-2621.2002.tb08782.x
Greenberg, P. (2021, March 21). Plant-Based Diets & Antioxidant Power of Chlorophyll - Chlorophyll Water. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/plant-based-diets-antioxidant-power-of-chlorophyll-by-patricia-greenberg-nutritionist
Gregg, R.D., A. (2021, April 14). Benefits of Liquid Chlorophyll Water with Allie Gregg, R.D. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/benefits-of-liquid-chlorophyll-water-with-allie-gregg-r-d
Heller, M. (2020, September 3). Hydrating with Mariah Heller, Personal Trainer & Nutrition Coach. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/hydrating-with-mariah-heller-personal-trainer-nutrition-coach
Jensen, T. (2020, September 15). 3 Things to Change About Your Diet with Tori Jensen, Registered Dietitian & Registered Nurse. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/3-things-to-change-about-your-diet-with-tori-jensen-registered-dietitian-registered-nurse
Kiswani, MD, D. (2021, February 11). Grocery Shopping Tips to Help Build Up Your Immune System. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/grocery-shopping-tips-to-help-build-up-your-immune-system-by-dr-lily-kiswani-md
Levi, FNTP, E. (2020, February 24). Erik Levi, FNTP. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/erik-levi-fntp
Lukyanovsky, PharmD, D. (2020, March 2). Dr. Inna Lukyanovsky, PharmD, FASCP. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/dr-inna-lukyanovsky-pharmd-fascp
Malkin, K. (2020, May 28). Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet by Karen Malkin. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/benefits-of-a-plant-based-diet-by-karen-malkin
Maxim, CCNM, D. (2020, April 23). Benefits of Liquid Chlorophyll & Living a Plant Based Diet w/ Dr. Andrea Maxim. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/benefits-of-liquid-chlorophyll-living-a-plant-based-diet-w-dr-andrea-maxim
Nagdeve, M. (2020, January 28). Medically Proven Liquid Chlorophyll Benefits | Organic Facts. Retrieved from Organic Facts: https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/other/health-benefits-of-chlorophyll.html
Nagini, S., Palitti, F., & Natarajan, A. T. (2015, February 4). Chemopreventive Potential of Chlorophyllin: A Review of the Mechanisms of Action and Molecular Targets: Nutrition and Cancer, Vol 67, No 2. Retrieved from Taylor & Francis Online: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/01635581.2015.990573
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Ricca, BA, A. (2021, February 2). Three Things to Change about Your Diet by Aimee Ricca, BA, E-CPT, CN, Pn1. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/three-things-to-change-about-your-diet-by-aimee-ricca-ba-e-cpt-cn-pn1
Richards, L. (2020, August 25). Benefits of Liquid Chlorophyll & Chlorophyll Water by Lisa Richards. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/benefits-of-liquid-chlorophyll-chlorophyll-water-by-lisa-richards-nutritionist
Rosick, DO, MPH, DABIM, E. R. (2015, December). How Does Chlorophyll Neutralize Environmental Toxins. Retrieved from Life Extension: https://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2015/12/chlorophyllin-protects-against-environmental-toxins
Shea, FNTP, C. (2020, December 5). Properly Hydrating with Ciara Shea, FNTP - Chlorophyll Water. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/properly-hydrating-with-ciara-shea
Smith Crawford, L. (2020, September 9). Plant Based Living & Benefits of Chlorophyll by LeNaya Smith Crawford - Chlorophyll Water. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/plant-based-living-by-lenaya-smith-crawford
Stephens, PhD, T. J., McCook, BS, J. P., & Herndon Jr., MD, J. H. (2015, June). Pilot Study of Topical Copper Chlorophyllin Complex in Subjects with Facial Acne and Large Pores. Retrieved from Journal of Drugs in Dermatology: https://jddonline.com/articles/dermatology/S1545961615P0589X
Tarugu, D. V. (2020, November 24). Benefits of Chlorophyll Water by Dr. Vikram Tarugu. Retrieved from Chlorophyll Water: https://chlorophyllwater.com/blogs/community/benefits-of-chlorophyll-water-by-dr-vikram-tarugu
Chlorophyll is the bedrock of all plant life, and the similarities to the molecules of our red blood cells is uncanny. When you drink really well sourced Chlorophyll it’s like breathing fresh air straight into our bloodstream. I recommend hydrating before your yoga practice with Chlorophyll Water to help stimulate peristalsis and help neutralize free-radicals in the body that can damage healthy cells.
Sproga, Founder
Detroit Pistons [NBA], Official Yoga Teacher
MLB NBA NHL Athletes, Yoga Training Expert
Gold Medal Olympic Athletes, Official Yoga Trainer
Vinyasa Yoga, Certified Trainer
TRX, Certified1
[Chlorophyll's] molecular structure is remarkably similar to human haemoglobin; this means it increases and strengthens red blood cells which results in better transportation of oxygen. It is also a powerful antioxidant, and can rid your body of toxins, reduce inflammation, restore pH balance in the body, and potentially lower your chances of developing certain types of cancer.
Health & Wellness Expert
Your Zen Life, Founder
Documentary Filmmaker2
The primary reason chlorophyll is considered a superfood is because of its strong antioxidant and anticancer effects. Chlorophyll benefits the immune system because it’s able to form tight molecular bonds with certain chemicals that contribute to oxidative damage and diseases like cancer or liver disease.
Certified Doctor of Natural Medicine
Clinical Nutritionist
Essential Oils: Ancient Medicine, Author
The Gut Repair Cookbook, Author
The Real Food Diet, Author3
Research has shown that a rich chlorophyll diet increases red blood cell counts, which can then carry more oxygen around our bodies and therefore gives us more energy!
Health & Wellness Expert and Author
Certified Nutritionist
Certified Personal Trainer4
Chlorophyll offers amazing healing benefits for humans. The most therapeutic ingredient in green foods is chlorophyll, the basic component of the “blood” of plants. Chlorophyll is the pigment that plants use to carry out photosynthesis - absorbing the light energy from the sun, and converting it into plant energy. This energy is transferred into our cells and blood when we consume fresh greens…Eating chlorophyll-rich foods helps our bodies build oxygen-carrying red blood cells.
Healthy Healing, Founder
The American Naturopathic Medical Association
Diets for Healthy Healing, Author
Cooking for Healthy Healing, Author
How to Be Your Own Herbal Pharmacist, Author5
Drinking water enhanced with Chlorophyll is an easy way to get your ‘Greens’ on the go. I love it for all it’s detoxifying benefits. It has also been proven to fight carcinogens in your body and therefor reduces your risk of cancer.
Health Coach & Yoga Instructor
Nightlight Yoga, Founder
Vinyasa Yoga Certified
Prenatal Yoga Certified
Certified Health Coach, Integrative Nutrition Institute6
My personal favorite use for chlorophyll is for an energy booster and blood builder. The molecular structure of chlorophyll is almost identical to that of hemoglobin in humans, so it increases oxygenation of the blood and assists in nutrient transport. I take liquid chlorophyll on and off, as I’m prone to anemia. I can tell a huge difference in energy and clarity when I use it, and my blood panels (red blood cell count, hemoglobin, and iron stores) improve dramatically.
Holistic Coach & Nutritionist
Mary Vance Holistic Nutrition and Wellness, Founder
Certified Nutrition Consultant7
Chlorophyll is the life-force of plants. As you ingest it, you'll take on its vibrational energy…it will help carry you through the day with more clarity & zest.
Certified Nutrition Specialist
NY State Certified Dietician and Nutritionist
New York Nutrition, Board Member
British Association of Nutritional Therapy, Member
Institute of Functional Medicine, Practitioner8
Chlorophyll is the molecule in plants that traps sunlight and converts it into energy. The chlorophyll molecule is also identical in structure to hemoglobin, the molecule that carries oxygen in your bloodstream, with one exception. Where hemoglobin attaches to oxygen, the chlorophyll molecule contains an atom of magnesium. The structural similarity lends itself to functional benefits, as well. Chlorophyll is thought to assist in various aspects related to cleansing and maintaining healthy blood.
Functional Medicine Specialist
Livestrong, Editor
Nutritional Biochemistry, B.S.
Chiropractic Kinesiology
Chiropractic Functional Neurologist9
Chlorophyll is also linked to the body’s production of red blood cells, making daily consumption of chlorophyll-rich foods important for ensuring the body’s constant cell regeneration and for improving oxygen transport in the body and, therefore, energy levels. By optimizing the bodys regeneration of blood cells, chlorophyll also contributes to peak athletic performance.
Author and Endurance Athlete
Ironman Triathlete (1998-2004)
200 Plant Based Recipes for Peak Health, Author
The Thrive Energy Cookbook Author10
There’s a reason that chlorophyll is absolutely essential to the survival and growth of plants. Besides being involved in the process of photosynthesis, it’s also jam-packed with tons of nutrients that can be beneficial to humans as well. Rich in vitamins A, C, K, and E, chlorophyll supports everything from blood clotting to healthy skin and vision. It’s also full of essential fatty acids and important minerals like magnesium, iron, calcium, and potassium.
Holistic Coach & Nutritionist
Registered Holistic
Nutritionist and Fitness Expert
Nutrition Coach, University of Toronto
All Day Energy Diet, Author
Eating for Energy: Transforming Your Life Through Plant Based Foods, Author11
Chlorophyll is one of my favourite nutrients. It has SO MANY health benefits it makes it a true wonder-food. However, the most marvellous and amazing benefit it gives comes from the fact that its molecular structure is almost identical to hemoglobin except for the center atom. In hemoglobin this is iron, whereas in chlorophyll it is magnesium.
Health Coach
Live Energized, Founder
The Water Diet, Author
The Alkaline Diet Recipe Book, Author12
There is no better way to boost your immune system and fight infection than drinking Chlorophyll Water daily. Chlorophyll Water has the power to regenerate our bodies at the molecular and cellular level. Chlorophyll Water supports our entire body by helping to flush out toxins that cause disease, it promotes healing and supports your heart while being an extremely potent antioxidant.
Kelly Healey Naturopath, Founder
Naturopath and Nutritionist
Genetic Testing, Specialist
Professional Live Blood Analysis Practicioner, L.B.A.
Health Science, B.S.
Natural Medicine and Nutrition, B.S.
Chiva Som International Health Resort, Naturopath
The Hale Clinic, Naturopath13
Chlorophyll, which gives green plants their color, helps the blood carry more oxygen, which boosts energy levels and general well-being. Chlorophyll also enhances the body’s ability to eliminate toxins, helping increase energy production.
Health Journalist
Amazing Wellness, Editor
Better Nutrition, Editor
Boost Your Energy and Mental Focus, Author14
The Site contains information about Chlorophyll (“Chlorophyll Information”), which is one of the ingredients in our Chlorophyll Water. Chlorophyll Information is collected by us from third party sources over which we have no control. We are not medical professionals or experts and do not and cannot attest to the accuracy of any of the information provided on this Site. None of the Chlorophyll Information on our Site has been evaluated or approved by the FDA. Chlorophyll Information is not intended to be used for nutritional or medical diagnoses or treatment. The information provided on this website is intended for general interest only. The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your health-care professional because of something you may have read on this Site. The use of any information provided on this Site is solely at your own risk. The third parties who are quoted on our Site are not affiliated with our company. We have included quotes and other statements by these third parties based on our own interests. We have not consulted with such third parties, or requested their input or feedback. They have not endorsed our Chlorophyll Water, and we do not endorse them or their statements. We are not responsible for, and we do not warrant or represent that the third party statements are current, accurate, complete or reliable. The opinions expressed in these materials are strictly those of the speaker or author and do not necessarily reflect our views or opinions.