Benefits of Chlorophyll, Vitamin C and Turmeric for Your Immune System by Sofia Norton, RD

Benefits of Chlorophyll, Vitamin C and Turmeric for Your Immune System by Sofia Norton, RD

Benefits of Chlorophyll, Vitamin C and Turmeric for Your Immune System

by Sofia Norton, RD


Sofia Norton is a Registered Dietician with over 9 years of experience in community nutrition. After learning about "food deserts" when she was a kid, Sofia became determined to devote her life to helping make nutritious food accessible to everyone, regardless of income or location. She’s traveled around the world, teaching nutrition to communities in extreme poverty. Currently, she’s also working as a writer for Kiss My Keto, a keto diet supplements company. Her focus there is offering research-based keto diet information and practical tips, and her goal is to make the keto lifestyle easy for everyone.

How did you become passionate about healthy eating?

I became passionate about healthy eating after witnessing what “food deserts” can do to entire communities. I believe that this phenomenon is one of the many reasons the world is in the midst of an obesity epidemic. Access to and knowledge about healthy food is a basic human right in my opinion, and I try to use my knowledge and experience to raise awareness about the importance of good nutrition.

If you could persuade people to change three things about their diet during these challenging times, what would they be?

  • 1. Don’t panic buy! This creates so many problems for you and the wider community, from food shortages, high food prices, and risks of becoming infected. 
  • 2. Eat three balanced meals a day and snack only occasionally. Boredom during self-isolation can make you eat more than you need to, so keep that in mind. 
  • 3. Focus on real, whole foods as these provide all you need to stay well-nourished and your immune system strong. 

Most of the world is practicing social distancing and working from home, how important is it to hydrate while doing so?

Very important! It’s easy to forget about drinking water when you’re focusing on your work, but hydration will help bring more blood to your hard-working brain, prevent high blood pressure, and it’ll give you an immune boost.

What are 3 at-home x kitchen must haves for people practicing social distancing?

  • 1. Frying pan with lid — to make stir-fries, meatballs, pancakes, sauces, and even stews. 
  • 2. Slow cooker — in case you catch the virus, a slow cooker will do most of the cooking for you. You also won’t have to clean up much afterward. 
  • 3. Casserole dish — for one-pot meals to make your life during these difficult times easier. 

What are 5 ‘must stock’ foods each of our readers should stock up on from the grocery store during social distancing?

  • 1. Canned tuna — it’s so versatile and nutritious. Plus, it can last you years in the pantry.
  • 2. Whole grain flour — to make bread, pancakes, pasta, biscuits, and more. Whole grains have fiber and are rich in vitamins in minerals. If you’re on a low-carb diet, stock up on nut flours. 
  • 3. Frozen veggies — fresh veggies can last a week tops. But frozen veggies can hold well for months. 
  • 4. Chicken — chicken meat is a healthy source of quality protein. It’s also easy to prepare and a versatile ingredient. 
  • 5. Nuts and seeds — let these be your go-to snacks. Nuts and seeds provide protein, fiber, and healthy fats that don’t cause weight gain. 

What are some ways to boost your immunity amid the coronavirus outbreak?

Get enough vitamin D from fortified dairy products or by sitting on a sunny balcony for 15 minutes a day (your face, arms, and legs exposed). Avoid the midday sun, though, as this can put you at risk of sunburns. Practice aerobic workouts indoors since this also helps boost immunity by relieving the body of stress, improving circulation, and keeping your airways strong.

Any at-home detox recipes or secrets? 

This green detox juice is a great example. It’s made with hydrating cucumbers, antioxidant-rich veggies, and vitamin-C-rich lemon.

What is your favorite quarantine snack? 

These low-carb cheese crackers made with three different types of cheeses, almond flour, egg, and spices. 

What’s one simple plant-based dish our readers can recreate at home, less than 30 minutes and eat multiple times throughout the week? 

This keto falafel for your salads. It’s a low-carb version of falafel made with cauliflower, cheeses, nut flours, and served with homemade mayo. It takes around 30-35 minutes to bake depending on your oven.

Plant based living is becoming more and more popular. When eating a mostly plant based / vegetarian diet, are there certain foods to focus on to make sure we’re getting enough nutrients and protein?

I’d say legumes and whole grains. Legumes provide high-quality plant protein, with some legumes such as soy having all 9 essential amino acids. Whole grains provide lots of fiber and help prevent blood sugar spikes. 

Do you have any plant-based nutrition tips to fight coronavirus?

Eat plenty of protein and vitamin C. Great protein-rich options include tofu, hummus, broccoli, and falafel. Get vitamin C from fresh fruits and veggies like peppers, cucumbers, citrus fruit, and apples. 

Speaking of plant based, what are some of the benefits of drinking chlorophyll water / benefits of liquid chlorophyll?

Chlorophyll is a known antioxidant, helping fight oxidative stress that can impair your immune system. There is even research showing that it promotes wound healing and prevents infections. 

What’s one of your favorite organic/natural supplements or vitamins you recommended?

I love to add organic turmeric powder to smoothies, soups, and curry. It’s an ancient remedy known to reduce inflammation, fight oxidative stress, treat pain, and so much more. I often combine it with black pepper since this helps make its main active compound — curcumin — more bioavailable. 

What are three things you are most grateful for during these uncertain times?

I am most grateful for my health, both mental and physical. This allows me to stay grounded and productive during these times and help others who need my assistance.   

During these uncertain times how do you stay positive? What’s your secret?

Pandemics have recurred throughout history, and this was only a matter of time. What is positive about this situation is that we have the option to help slow it down by staying home. Every minute spent inside means you’re doing something good for the community — this is something positive to focus on.

Any self-care, self-care or self-development tips for our readers?

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Times are uncertain, but you need to make your mental well-being a priority to function and stay strong. Exercise, mindfulness can help. Of course, eating healthy helps even more.

Any favorite health / nutrition podcasts or books you recommend to our readers?

The Ketogenic Bible: The Authoritative Guide to Ketosis by Jacob Wilson and Ryan Lowery. It’s a light read, but a very informative one.

Where can our readers find you? (Instagram, Facebook, etc)

Follow me on LinkedIn and Twitter.

20. Anything else you want to add? Any other health, wellness or nutrition tips?

Make healthy eating a priority but make it something to look forward to. If you can find the whole process of buying, preparing, and eating healthy enjoyable, you’ll stay motivated for long enough to see positive changes.