Mindful Eating & Nutrition Trends by Jennifer Cohen, Personal Trainer

Mindful Eating & Nutrition Trends by Jennifer Cohen, Personal Trainer

Mindful Eating & Nutrition Trends 

by Jennifer Cohen
No Gym Required, Habits And Hustle
Los Angeles, CA

Brief Introduction/Tell Us About yourself (where you are from, etc)

I am originally from WinnipegManitoba, Canada, and hold a degree in Psychology from the University of Manitoba, a Masters in Sports Marketing from George Brown College in Toronto and numerous fitness certifications. I began my career as a personal trainer focusing on workouts that can be done with little or no equipment outside of a gym and continues this philosophy of integrating fitness into everyday life. My philosophy of an everyday approach and realistic expectations was the focus of my first book, No Gym Required: Unleash Your Inner Rockstar.  My articles and quotes have appeared in Redbook, People, and Perez Hilton's fitness-centric website FitPerez.  My latest book is Strong is the New Skinny is available on Amazon.

How did you become passionate about healthy eating?

I have a very busy schedule, so most of the time I need food that is easily accessible.  Most things on the market that are grab and go contain way too many artificial ingredients.  Consuming these will only slow you down and feel sluggish, defeating the entire purpose and ruining your productivity level.  I wanted to make sure what I was consuming was utilized as a fuel source.  I don't have time for a jolt of energy that will lead me to crash and burn.  I need sustainable food that is beneficial to my mind and body.


What kind of training did you undergo / certification you received?


  • ACE Certification
  • NASM Certification for Strength and Conditioning
  • Developed "Silver Sneakers" For Seniors
  • Associates In Nutrition (2 year Degree)
  • BA in Psychology (which helps development with behavioral change)
  • MBA in Sports Marketing
  • Created “No Gym Required”, a program designed to keep people healthy and fit anytime anywhere. 
  • Published, two (2) national best selling books on health and fitness: 

No Gym Required, an educational how-to on incorporating health and wellness into your day-to-day lives through tools, tips, and diet. 

Strong is The New Skinny, an inspirational book designed to help you change your mindset on health, wellness, and setting personal goals. 

  • Co-founder, Hot 5, a fitness app designed to provide five minute workouts people can do anywhere. The App was acquired by Weight Watchers in 2015. 
  • Created the fitness program for Weight Watchers (WW). WW was known as strictly a diet only company prior to this. 
  • Spokesperson, Weight Watchers, 2010-2013 
  • Spokesperson, Polar Heart Rate Monitors, 2011-2014 
  • Spokesperson, Muscle Milk, 2010-2013 
  • Fitness blogger, Health Magazine, 2013-2016 
  • Columnist, Forbes, 2014-Present 
  • Columnist, Entrepreneur, 2016-Present 
  • Develops and executes Corporate Wellness Programs (CWP) for leading Fortune 500s 


What do people look for in a nutritionist or dietitian?

Someone who isn't going to tell them just to "eat less."  They want a person who is going to sit down and evaluate their composition.  Really take the time out to see what works best with that individual's chemical makeup to achieve optimal results in improving their entire lifestyle.

How has your approach to nutrition changed over the years?

As you get older, your body reacts differently to certain foods.  What worked in your 20s doesn't necessarily conform to your 30s.  You also need more types of certain vitamins as more to regenerate and recover.  Our body replaces itself with a new set of cells every 7 to 10 years.  This is why you may develop an allergy to something you grew up loving to indulge in as a kid.  I constantly stay up to date with medical research on the development of the human form and any new age supplements that are being introduced. 

What do you eat on a typical day?

I have the same breakfast every morning.  It's half a grapefruit and an egg with at least 16 ounces of water.  Throughout the day, I snack on whole foods like almonds or berries.  I choose things that contain healthy fats and natural sugar to keep me going.  At night, I make dinner for my family that will include a protein and leafy green that is moderate in carbohydrates.  I have two active children under the age of 10.  It is important that I introduce them to healthy eating habits now to take forth with them as they develop into young adults.

What’s the easiest thing to correct nutrition-wise?

Drink more water.  It's as simple as that.  Most times when you think you are hungry, you are actually dehydrated.  Water is the key to life.

What are the five best foods to incorporate into your diet?

Wild Salmon, Blueberries, Avocados, Broccoli, and Watermelon. 

What’s one change that a person can make to their nutrition that will get them the best results?

You have to make more than one change to truly become your best self. Nutrition is a good place to start. Replace refined sugar and white flour with whole grains.  Check your labels. The information is right there in front of you for your benefit and knowledge.

What nutrition trends are you paying attention to? 

Mindful Eating. Really paying attention to your meals and enjoying them. Going back to when we were kids and families sat at the dinner table to enjoy meals, not in front of TV watching Netflix.  Appreciate the meal that has been prepared.  Eat slower to savor every bite. This will help to distinguish between true hunger and just boredom.

Everyone is detoxing nowadays, how do you recommend one detox? 

I don't believe in fads or extreme cleanses.  Eliminating processed sugar and upping your water intake will really make a difference in your energy levels, skin, and waistline.

Plant based living is becoming more and more popular. When eating a mostly plant based / vegetarian diet, are there certain foods to focus on to make sure we’re getting enough nutrients and protein?

Carefully look at the sodium levels on plant based meats.  Some of the ingredients used to mimic the taste of actual meat can be detrimental in your health journey.   Also, the greener the leaf, the better for you.

Speaking of plant based, what are some of the benefits of drinking chlorophyll water? 

Chlorophyll water is a great source of antioxidants which can help fight diseases.  It can naturally boost your energy level and helps to detoxify you from the inside out.

What’s one of your favorite organic/natural supplements or vitamins you recommend? 

I take Tru Niagen  supplements everyday.  It helps to increase NAD+ levels that naturally decline over years.  It supports cellular function and metabolism.  It really is the fountain of youth in a bottle. 

Any favorite health / nutrition podcastsor books you recommend to our readers?

Well, people can listen to my podcast, Habits And Hustle, where I dive into the mindset of entrepreneurs and leaders who are tops in their fields.  I have featured Health and Wellness professionals such as Dr Mehmet Oz, Performance Coach Ben Newman, Max Lugavere, and Dr Christian Gonzalez.  It is available on all streaming platforms.