Jacquie Smith

Jacquie Smith
Jacquie Smith
Barre Certification through Exhale
200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training through Poe Yoga 
Little Adapts By Jax, Founder
New York, NY


Tell us about yourself, your story, where you are from, practice, etc.

I found my passion for health and wellness in 2013 when I started experimenting with natural foods and remedies in order to heal myself from cystic acne, horrible digestion and overall exhaustion caused by stress and corporate travel. As a result, I wanted to share the power of food to heal + nourish the mind + body with others. In 2015, I received my certification as a Holistic Health Coach from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. In 2016, Little Adapts By Jax was born to help people who live busy lifestyles and want to create change by incorporating healthy “little adapts”. My philosophy of "little adapts" allows my clients to gradually instill small, positive changes to create the healthy + happy lifestyle they've always wanted. 

As for fitness, I have always been a big runner and ran my first half marathon in 2013 followed by 7 additional half marathons and the NYC marathon in 2015. In addition, I just completed my first triathlon this past summer. However, just solely running wasn't sustainable as I started to develop injuries and began to cross-train. I have been taking yoga classes since high school and eventually fell in love with barre too. I received my barre certification from Exhale in the fall of 2017 and my 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Certification through Poe Yoga in February 2019 as a way to deepen my practice + help my clients reach their fitness goals.

How and why did you start yoga? 

Believe it or not, I actually first started doing yoga in high school with a few friends and my mom. My favorite part about the whole experience was the way it relaxed and calmed my mind. I also loved when the teacher put lavender lotion on our necks at the end of class and this scent has become one of my favorites that I use daily. From there, I continued to practice throughout college and into my 20s. I wouldn’t say everyday, but it has always been an integral part of my workout routine as it makes me feel better no matter what - both in my body and mind. For a female, I’m unusually tight, especially in my hips and upper back, and as an avid runner - yoga has always been the perfect compliment to help me stretch. I’ve tried everything from Bikram to aerial because as a fitness fanatic - there isn’t a workout I won’t try. From a mind and spirit perspective, I have used yoga as a tool to ease my thoughts and help manage stress in those moments that I needed it the most. It has also helped to enlighten me and figure out what needs focusing on in my life. Lastly, it’s been a practice that I have shared with many friends and even made a weekly Friday night tradition for a brief period of time in my mid 20s because nothing felt better than finishing off the work week with heated yoga. There have been so many moments after a yoga class where I felt physically and mentally stronger and more clear, which is why I have always held it as a constant in my life.

Who was your great mentor/teacher?

I would say my great teachers + mentors would be the two women who I did my Yoga Teacher Training with at Poe Yoga, Jess Wood + Julie Gurevich. Jess is an incredible yoga teacher who also happens to be one of my good friends from high school, and I love that she knows just how to get you into a position even though you think it's impossible. I loved that Julie is a marathon runner as she would always bring it back to the basics and encourage blocks to help you get into a pose when you were tight!

Tell us your practice style and how did you choose your yoga method?

My practice style is a core focused vinyasa flow. I chose this method as it's my favorite + what keeps bringing me back to the mat. 

What obstacles has yoga helped you overcome?

Yoga has always been the most helpful to me at the points in my life where I'm emotionally exhausted + stressed. It gives me clarity + strength to get me through whatever is going on. It's the only thing besides running that allows me to just focus on my breath + the movement and nothing else for the duration of the class. 

What is your mind set when you step onto the mat?

My mind set is to just listen to my body and how I'm feeling that day. Yoga is not about muscling through poses, but about understanding what your body needs in the moment. 

When did you understand you wanted to be a yoga teacher? 

Since yoga has been a part of my life for so long, I knew at some point that I would like to get certified to teach it. The stars perfectly aligned when my friend Jess was leading the teacher training, I had no travel planned + I was already a part of the Poe Tribe teaching FireBeat at their BK location. It finally like the right time. 

What is the most rewarding part of being a yoga teacher?

The most rewarding part of being a yoga teacher is guiding your students through your own unique sequence + flow through mostly just words. It's one of the only workouts where there is minimal demonstration and you really have to use the right words to get the student deeper into the position. Also, everyone looks very calm + relaxed after class so you know you did your job :) 

Why is yoga so important for the times we’re living in?

Yoga is important now more than ever today with how overstimulated and hectic everyone's lives are. I think yoga is the best way to get daily movement + a meditation in at the same time so we can finally rest the mind. I actually incorporate yoga in my "12 Day Real Food Reboot" Program as a way to detox + restore both the mind and body. 

How important is living a healthy lifestyle (clean eating/eating healthy for example) important to the yogi lifestyle?

Living a healthy lifestyle is so important to the yogi lifestyle. When you eat foods that nourish, fuel + heal the body, you will live a much more vibrant + energetic life. Since moving over to a mostly plant based diet, I feel much lighter and stronger now than I ever have before. 

Any natural ingredients and/or vitamins (example: Chlorophyll, Vitamin b12) that you recommend? And why? 

  1. Multivitamin (MegaFood OneDaily) contains a combination of vitamins, minerals + nutrients to support better health + any nutritional gaps in your diet. 
  1. Probiotics (MegaFood –MegaFlora) add healthy bacteria back into your gut to help aid in digestion.
  1. Turmeric (MegaFood –Turmeric) is a root that has powerful compounds called curcuminoids that decreases inflammation + heals the body.

How important is hydrating/drinking water to the yoga lifestyle/your practice? 

Staying hydrated is very important to not only a yoga lifestyle but for your everyday life. Since everyone is so tired, most people are constantly dehydrated since they are fueled by caffeine. I start everyday off with a glass of water with lemon and/or chlorophyll to jumpstart my hydration for the day. I also mix in coconut water as a way to increase electrolytes + potassium after long runs or sweat sessions. 

Your favorite quote?

"Life is about the little things."

Where we can we find you? Instagram, website, etc

Website: www.littleadaptsbyjax.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/littleadaptsbyjax/

FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/littleadaptsbyjax/

Anything else you want to share?

If you are looking to start building your healthy + happy life now, I offer a FREE 3 Day Real Food Detox Guide and a complimentary 15 minute health consultation for my nutrition + fitness coaching programs :)