#GratitudeChallenge What are you grateful for? Yoga Teachers Unite by Chlorophyll Water

#GratitudeChallenge What are you grateful for? Yoga Teachers Unite by Chlorophyll Water
One of the most powerful tools for staying healthy, gratitude.
Back in early April when the entire world had stay-at-home orders, we reached out to quarantined Yoga Teachers around the globe to participate in our #GratitudeChallenge - from New York to Japan, from Africa to India,
from Germany to Thailand and asked these leaders within our yoga community what they were grateful for.
Gratitude reminds us how special, beautiful and fortunate our lives are,
even under these challenging times.
The best news is that expressed gratitude is contagious,
creating a ripple effect of kindness and hope.
What are you #grateful for?
Post your video with the hashtag #GratitudeChallenge x #ChlorophyllWater -
let us spread the gratitude, spread the love 🌱💧❤️.