Benefits of Chlorophyll Water for Detox and Weight-loss by Susan Kelly

Benefits of Chlorophyll Water for Detox and Weight-loss by Susan Kelly

Benefits of Chlorophyll Water for

Detox & Weight-loss 

by Susan Kelly, RDN


Chlorophyll Water has high nutritional value and it helps with detoxification and weight loss.

This substance tends to increase the natural ability of the liver to remove toxins from the body and supports the detoxification process of the liver. The body purifying qualities of chlorophyll water cause a rise in the oxygen and blood flow in the body that further help in getting rid of toxins. Not only this, chlorophyll serves asthe protecting agent of the liver and inhibits the growth of carcinogens, which can cause liver cancer and hepatitis.

Chlorophyll helps with regulating hunger hormones and enhances the feeling of fullness (satiety),so chlorophyll water can be used for weight loss. Apart from maintaining the state of satiety, chlorophyll water prevents the blood sugar spikes that occur after an hour of eating food. Moreover, you can get plenty of chlorophyll by eating green veggies that are super beneficial for aiding weight loss.

However, do remember that drinking chlorophyll water for weight loss is not enough unless you eat healthy foods and perform some exercises.

For a healthy person, drinking chlorophyll water is safe. But people who take certain medications should consult their doctor before adding chlorophyll water to their diet.

by Susan Kelly, RDN