Ann Ramark, B.S.

Ann Ramark, B.S.

Ann Ramark, B.S.
Bachelor of Science in Nutrition 
A Younger Skin, Founder 

Brief Introduction/Tell Us About yourself (where you are from, etc)

I am born and raised in Sweden. And I still live here even though I enjoy to travel as much as I can. As a person, I am very active. Both physically, so I love to train and feel my muscles working. But also mentally, so I also love to keep learning new things as often as I can. You can definitely call me a nerd when it comes to health, and especially skin-related, questions. I follow science more or less every day. I never watch series etc to relax. I spend my "relax-time" with reading studies haha.

Why did you decide to pursue a career in nutrition?

I have always had a huge interest in health, and have been working as a trainer, just for fun, during my whole adult life. I also had a major interest in communication so I actually started my academic career with a Master's degree in Rhetoric. But after a few years of working in the marketing industry, I just didn't feel as excited anymore. And I felt called to do something else. I had become increasingly passionate about health and food over the years, so jumping into the nutritionist field was a natural step for me.

How did you become passionate about healthy eating? 

Oh, this is a tough one to answer.  Because for me it has been logical to try to eat healthy ever since I found out that food actually affects the health of your body. That started when I was a teenager. Even though I didn't know much, I started to try and learn, and as the years went by this interest became much larger. So I suppose it's the knowledge that makes me passionate. The knowledge that we can determine our own health with how we eat and how we live. Then it just feels logical to make the best out of it.

What kind of training did you undergo/certification you received? 

I did the Bachelor's program in nutrition, which addresses a molecular- and medical aspect, as well as public health. For example, the program includes biochemistry, molecular biology, human physiology, human nutrition, clinical nutrition, and nutritional toxicology.

What do people look for in a nutritionist or dietician?

Except for the most common reasons, to lose a few pounds and to feel more energetic, many of my clients want knowledge. They want to learn what is true and what isn't when it comes to all the claims and hypes they see in media and social media.

If you could persuade people to change three things about their diet, what would they be?

Well, the most important advice I would say is to eat a lot more fruit and vegetables. Besides providing us with top-class fibers, vitamins, and minerals, they also contain plenty of so-called phytonutrients. Such as for example carotenoids and polyphenols. These are plant chemicals that have been shown to have amazing health beneficial effects in our bodies. And science is still just scraping the surface as more and more discoveries are being made. 

Sadly, most people eat way too little of these foods. Which affects the health (and skin) long term.

The second thing I would advise about is to stay far away from refined sugar and all processed sweets. They provide no nutritional value at all and have a very negative impact on your health and your arteries. And it's not just the inside of your body that will be affected.  Your skin (the largest organ of your body) will also age faster due to the increased oxidative stress and inflammation.

The third advice would be to simply eat as clean, natural and unprocessed as possible.

What would you make as a quick and healthy dinner option, if you have 30 minutes of preparation time? 

I love stews! And I always make them in less than 30 minutes. I use frozen vegetables such as broccoli and spinach. I add some carrots or sweet potatoes, and tomatoes. And I mix in pre-boiled black beans and/or chickpeas that are my favorite legumes. On top, I always add some avocado, nuts, or olives. Those healthy fats will increase the uptake of many of the nutrients in the vegetables.

What's great with this kind of dinner is that you can add almost any vegetable you like. And none of the nutrients will be wasted since it is all kept in the stew.

What is your favorite snack?

Goji berries with walnuts. I eat them every single day. Goji berries are truly a superior kind of berry, with so many skin beneficial phytonutrients. And extremely tasty too, especially together with nuts.  The walnuts provide good fats, and the fats also increase the uptake of the carotenoids in the goji berries. So I just find this to be a great combo and easy to bring with me wherever I go.

Plant based living is becoming more and more popular. When eating a mostly plant based / vegetarian diet, are there certain foods to focus on to make sure we’re getting enough nutrients and protein?

Yes. Even though a plant-based diet is very beneficial to your health, there are a few things to pay some attention to. First of all, vitamin D and B12. If you eat a purely vegan diet, a supplement of these two is a good idea. Many products such as almond milk can also be fortified with them, but unless you drink plenty of it, make sure to take a supplement. Vitamin D can also be achieved from the sun, but that requires UVB which not everyone has year-round (unless you live closer to the equator). UVA does not make your skin produce vitamin D. 

Something else to be aware of, especially if you are a woman and an athlete. Is that you can get low in iron. Now, this mineral is not something I recommend you supplement with unless you really know you have a deficiency of it. Because too much iron is harmful. If you think you might be low in iron, always consult a doctor for a blood test.

Speaking of plant based, what are some of the benefits of drinking chlorophyll water / benefits of liquid chlorophyll? 

Chlorophyll is one of the so-called phytonutrients I mentioned earlier. And even if it is not as well-researched as for example the carotenoids, it still has some promising results in the studies that have been performed. For example, it has been shown to have antioxidant functions in our bodies, protecting us from pollution, sun, stress, etc. A to have an anti-inflammatory effect on our skin.  Also, in studies where chlorophyllin (a derivative of chlorophyll) has been used topically, there have been some truly promising effects on both skin aging and acne. 

To summarize I would say that more research is needed before making any definitive claims about the benefits of chlorophyll. But, what I have seen so far sure makes me motivated in having a high intake of chlorophyll myself.

What’s one of your favorite organic/natural supplements or vitamins you recommended? 

I am a big fan of green powders, such as wheatgrass, chlorella, kale, and spirulina. The last maybe 5 years, I have been drinking a mixture of these powders (mixed with water) every day. 

Where can our readers find you? (Instagram, Facebook, etc)

My newly launched skincare blog is found on