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XOXO, Chlorophyll Water

Raw Remedies: Chlorophyllin by The Foresight Forum

Raw Remedies: Chlorophyllin by The Foresight Forum

Proven to clear skin, improve gut health, boost energy levels and promote healthy weight loss, this pigment infused water is a great source for vitamins with 2000 times the antioxidant capacity of blueberries. By increasing the flow of oxygen in our bodies, Chlorophyllin aids in cleansing the blood of toxins and also does a tremendous job in absorbing harmful pollutants from the outside world. Forecasted to reach USD 463.7 million by 2025, expect more consumers to add Chlorophyllin into their water and find innovative ways to integrate Chlorophyll into their daily diets - from powdered supplements to Chlorophyllin based cocktails.
Benefits of Liquid Chlorophyll Water with Allie Gregg, R.D.

Benefits of Liquid Chlorophyll Water with Allie Gregg, R.D.

There are so many AMAZING benefits to drinking Chlorophyll Water!  It helps your liver function which improves detoxification, fights carcinogens, increases energy, helps to balance hormones, aids in weight loss and also fights cravings, reduces inflammation, increases and refreshes your body’s red blood cells, natural internal deodorizer, and promotes anti-aging and glowing skin.  

Antioxidant Powerhouse. High in vitamin K, C, E, A (These vitamins are great for a ton of different activities in the body including blood clotting, boosting the immune system, healthy cardiovascular system, aiding in healthy vision, and many more.
Benefits of Purified Water by Laura Krebs-Holm, MS, RD, LD, Advisor for eMediHealth

Benefits of Purified Water by Laura Krebs-Holm, MS, RD, LD, Advisor for eMediHealth

Drinking water is essential to staying hydrated. The body is about 60% water. It is used as a building block for all of our cells, helps to regulate body temperature, metabolize and transport nutrients, and helps to flush waste  out of our bodies.
Purified water has been filtered to remove impurities like algae, fungi, and certain types of bacteria and chemicals. In many countries in the West, the public tap water has been purified by municipalities.
Plant-Based Diets & Antioxidant Power of Chlorophyll by Patricia Greenberg, Nutritionist

Plant-Based Diets & Antioxidant Power of Chlorophyll by Patricia Greenberg, Nutritionist

I am seeing an increased interest in plant based diets which seems to have resulted in a lot of new pre-prepared snack items that are vegetable based.  Hey, its Better than cupcakes!  The other trend is the increased availability of sprouted grains.  Most people don't stay gluten free so as long as they are going to eat bread, it may as well be sprouted.

The antioxidant power of this
 plant compound (chlorophyll) is amazing because it can prevent free radicals which is what is linked to DNA damage causing cancer and heart disease.
Healthy Eating & Plant Based Diet by Dr. Robert DeMaria

Healthy Eating & Plant Based Diet by Dr. Robert DeMaria

Chlorophyll has been called the "blood" of the plant world, and has the same structure as the heme of blood (except that where the heme carries an iron mineral in the center, the chlorophyll carries magnesium). Thus it may be beneficial in supporting blood quality, and it is a good source of magnesium.

I tell individuals who favor this lifestyle to focus on green, non-starchy vegetables like kale, bok choy, collard greens, and chard. Additionally, healthy fats like avocado, walnuts, and almonds are also key. 
Optimize Your Immune System’s Ability & Detox Tips by Maren Epstein, Digestive Health Coach

Optimize Your Immune System’s Ability & Detox Tips by Maren Epstein, Digestive Health Coach

The benefits of liquid chlorophyll are endless.  I’m really not a supplement junkie, but chlorophyll is the one I recommend the most.  Liquid chlorophyll helps hydrate the gut in a way that water doesn’t. It acts like intestinal soap and literally scrubs away waste products.  When I give people colonics who do not release waste I ask them to use liquid chlorophyll. They release up to five times the amount of waste. Not to mention they report having better bowel movements.  Liquid chlorophyll is also a blood builder, helps make you stronger, and tones muscles. I recommend it to my clients to help them go to the bathroom instead of using stimulant laxatives. Liquid chlorophyll is honestly my favorite supplement.